
http://japan.internet.com/busnews/20070126/11.htmlではよくわからんので原文:Red Hat's Volley on Linux Management Offering - InternetNews.を見る。

"We provide a set of services that can monitor systems and we handle the background work of collecting metrics, analyzing them, sending out availability and performance alerts,"

Oracle claims that Management Pack for Linux does everything that Red Hat does with its Red Hat Network management product, and more. Plus, Oracle said, it's a free add-on for its Unbreakable Linux subscribers.

Friedman explained that Red Hat is currently working on a platform for systems management that open source projects will be able to leverage to provide systems management out of the box. "Not to be an OpenView (HP's enterprise management product) or any one else in that arena but really as a way that you can integrate a base platform, and then provide a plug-in that will mange your product set," Friedman said.

"It will be based on a lot for work from Red Hat and JBoss and we'll be doing more for that his year. When I talk about where we are going from an open source platform...we want to make sure that's something our communities can leverage."

と、なんか RHN 5とやらプラスアルファで、Oracle Management Pack for Linuxや HP OpenViewにもないような管理機能を 1セットで提供しますよということか。というかそれ以外読み取れない...

Oracle Management Pack for Linux っての実態は、結局のところ Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 3 ( なんだけど、え ? リリース 3 なの ?? なぜに for Windowsがある ???
今まで Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 2 には と があって、Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 1 には とか とかあって、 それは Oracle Management Service (OMS)と Grid Control Management Agentで構成されてて、Bare Metal Provisioning Starter Kitっつーのもあって、さらに Management Plug-Ins Releaseってのが Release 1から 3までって...

んで、方や HP OpenView Products A to Z List。だめ、もう息切れ。

まぁ、1セットで提供してほしいのはどの製品もなんだけど、Red Hatの言う RHN拡張してというのは意味不明。up2dateや yumの変わりを用意して、これらの製品の機能限定簡易版をくっつけて、総称したりするような感じになるのかな。まぁ今までそんなのがまったくなくてエンタープライズとか言ってたのがおかしいと思うけど、まぁ商用UNIXも似たようなもんかなぁ...